Brick/Mason Sand

Material Calculator

Disclaimer: This calculation tool is for general use only and provides only an approximate estimate of product requirements. Ferndale Gardens makes no claims as to the accuracy of the calculation below and recommends its use at your own risk and satisfy yourself of the product quantity to purchase.

Our Mason/Brick Sand is extracted from a natural sand deposit and screened to remove any stones and debris, leaving it with only soft and fine-grained sand. Sand has been used for thousands of years for many purposes, including:

  • Under swimming pools
  • At-home beach coverage
  • Making mortar mix for filling space between pavers
  • Making mortar mix for masonry
  • A component of soil mix for growing plants
  • Kids sand boxes
  • And many more!

Brick/Mason Sand Delivery & Pick Up:

Brick/Mason Sand is available for pick up and delivery. We require a minimum of half a yard in order to deliver. We can deliver up to 8 yards in one truck load of Brick/Mason Sand. If you are unsure of how much you need to order for your project, please use our material calculator. The cost of delivery can vary depending on delivery location, to check delivery prices in your area, please click on the "Delivery" tab. If you do not see your location on our list, please call our office. Please note: all our product comes loose, and is gently placed in the discussed designated drop off location.

All product/material is available for pick up in our yard. Come with a truck or trailer, and we will do the rest. Our loader is equipped with a half yard bucket & a yard bucket to load your vehicle with what you need.

Last Updated on May 16, 2024