Jasper Stone

  • $0.25 / Pound

.25 cents per pound

Jasper consists of tiny crystals of Silica (Si02) and naturally mixed up of other substances. Our Jasper boulders come in sizes from 0.5" up to 2'. Jasper is commonly used for:

  • Landscaping
  • Aquascaping
  • Tumbling
  • Carving

Jasper stone has a rating of 6.5 to 7 on the Moh's Hardness Scale, making it a great stone to use for tumbling and for carving. It is soft enough to be cut but hard enough to ensure it can endure carving and tumbling. Jasper is unique in the way that you can scratch glass with a piece of it, but a piece of glass cannot scratch the stone. To determine if you are buying authentic Jasper, you can try to scratch it with a knife, if it does scratch, it is not real Jasper.

Jasper can be found in many different colours, such as dark red, orange, yellow, beige, brown, green, tan, blue, grey, and black. The red hues in Jasper are due to its iron oxide content. Bands of colour are very common in Jasper, in iron oxide rich stone, the bands will be red, in iron oxide poor stone, the bands will be dark grey.

Please Note: This product is unavailable for online purchase and can only be purchased at our in store location. Please contact our office by email or by phone for more information.

Examples of Jasper found in our yard below:

Last updated on May 13, 2024